What to do with Embarrassing Facial Hair?

Facial Hair Removal:
Hair removal and whether or not to remove hair at all is a very personal choice. And when it comes to hair on your face, it’s a pretty sensitive one, too. The skin on your face is more delicate than the skin on your legs, say, so it’s important to be thoughtful and careful about the hair-removal methods you choose.
The human body performs a daily balancing act between hormones, chemicals, physiological responses and circulatory processes. But if anything disturbs this fine balance, then the body begins to show signs of internal trouble – and the first side effects are often seen on the face. One of these side effects includes the growth of unwanted hair on the face. Facial hair growth may be a childhood condition, or a puberty-related one. At times, it may be response to health issues. You can easily ignore this growth if the hair is fine and downy, but it is tough to ignore coarse, dark hair on the face. This kind of growth is seen on the forehead area above the eyes and around the mouth. But there is no need to be embarrassed about it – you can adopt some simple measures to remove the hair, depending on the method most suitable to you. Just remember that you must NEVER use a razor on your face – shaving the hair makes the hair grow back thicker and rougher than before.
Facial Hair Removal Areas:
Around the Mouth: Top Lip
Every person has hair above their upper lips, and so do women. But this hair growth is thicker in some women than in others. Instead of fretting over it, you can schedule a salon appointment to thread the unwanted hair off your hair. If threading is too painful for you, try the Veet Sensitive Touch Hair Trimmer. It is equipped with two trimmer heads: the larger one can be used to remove unwanted hair on the top lip area. Hold the skin taut and run the trimmer over the top lip with a gentle hand. Since the trimmer head is blunt and does not touch the skin, it does not cut or cause abrasions.
Around the Mouth: Chin
The hair around the chin is normally sparse, but clearly visible. Most women simply pluck off the hair using a pair of tweezers. If you don’t want to pluck them, you can trim them off. As mentioned above, you should use the larger trimmer head for the chin. Similar to the procedure above, use the trimmer on the chin to remove unwanted hair. You can touch the trimmer head to the skin without fearing injury – it’s not a shaver or razor blade, so it doesn’t cause cuts or lacerations.
Above the Eyes: Brow
The trend in eyebrows for the last two years is thick and fierce – take a cue from Deepika Padukone, Leslie Caron, or Audrey Hepburn (though Audrey’s eyebrows were drawn over with pencil). Women with naturally thick, shapely brows are truly blessed. But thick, unruly brows are not attractive – you will need to shape them while retaining the thickness. Taming your thick brows is easy with Veet Sensitive Touch Trimmer. Use the smaller trimmer head to remove longer hair, or stray hair at the ends of the brows. Some women opt for a precision wax at the salon, and you can try this if you have the time for an appointment. Also, it hurts quite a lot!
Above the Eyes: Uni-Brow
The uni-brow is, let’s face it, not the most flattering look for any woman. It is possible to remove the hair connecting your two brows by waxing or plucking them off. Just don’t use a razor! Though some women swipe a razor across the hair, it can leave sharp, straight ends that soon develop into a stubble that looks even more awful than the unibrow. Instead, use the smaller trimmer head in the Veet Sensitive Touch Trimmer, to remove the excess hair bridging your two brows.
Though the Veet Sensitive Touch Trimmer removes hair cleanly and quickly, you must note that the hair is merely trimmed off the skin’s surface. Thus, it starts growing back in about a couple of days, though it may not be immediately visible.
Though body hair is normally thick in most people, you might feel that the hair on your face is thicker and coarser than what is considered normal. Excessive facial hair growth can be symptomatic of hormonal changes or an illness. If the hair growth has thickened suddenly and is not related to such events as pregnancy and menopause, then a trip to the doctor is necessary.
Just follow our tips to remove the unwanted hair on your face. There’s no need to hide your pretty face any more! Also look up the Veet product page for the best hair removal solutions.