How to Remove Hair with Minimal Pain

Waxing is a great method of hair removal, but it is often turns out to be painful and many women avoid it for that reason. Many women prefer to shave the hair rather than waxing it off but they need to understand that this is harmful to the skin as well as hair. You can still wax your hair and cause less pain to yourself – as this guide shows you how.
Time it Right
You need to consider two important factors before you proceed to wax your hair.
1) If the hair is long enough for removal
2) The stage of your monthly cycle.
If the hair is too short, the wax cannot grip it properly and it pulls the skin more than the hair, which hurts quite a lot. Besides, your threshold for pain is higher or lower depending on which side of your menstrual period you are. Your threshold is highest just after your period ends and lowest just before the period. You can time your waxing session accordingly.
Prepare Yourself
Wax pulls both the hair and any residual dead skin in the area. Always lightly exfoliate the skin before waxing it. Exfoliation removes dead skin and helps open the skin’s pores. Thus, the wax grips the skin better and you get a better waxing experience. You can take a warm bath before waxing, and dry your skin thoroughly before applying wax. Damp skin repels wax and you will not be able to remove the hair properly.
Perfect the Technique at home
It is natural to tense up just before the wax is pulled off – it is the body’s natural response to the expectation of pain. But this can actually make the wax hurt more than it should. Just breathe in slowly as you apply the wax, and pull your skin tight so that the wax gets maximum coverage. Veet enables you to ditch the salon and have effortless hair removal in the comfort of your home. If you’re using Veet’s Cold Wax Strips, just grip the Easy Grip tab and pull in one smooth motion against the direction of hair growth. Exhale while pulling the tab.
Look after Yourself
Your skin will be sensitive or even a little sore after waxing, so it is best not to irritate it further. Don’t exfoliate, keep away from soap and don’t use deodorants. Avoid exposing the skin to direct sunlight.
If you are still not in favour of waxing your hair, you can try a painless hair removal process such as applying depilatory creams. The creams dissolve the hair at the roots, and both the cream and hair are simply washed or wiped off. Though the hair grows back faster than it does with waxing, the method does not cause any discomfort.