How to do Hair Removal at Home

Hair removal from places like eyebrows to bikini line has been a part of our grooming routine since centuries. With constant changes in beauty trends and massive advancements in technology, it’s truly amazing to see how far we have come, from home remedies, to complete salon treatments.
Let us look at some of the world’s most renowned hair removal methods, and how they have advanced with time. You might even find some useful tips as you keep reading.
Depilatory Creams
We always relate hair removal to the horror of unbearable pain. However, this need not be the case all the time. Getting rid of body hair can be an enjoyable experience. Veet Hair Removal cream is a pain-free method of removing hairs. The cream efficiently dissolves unwanted hair from the surface of the skin making it satiny smooth.
It may come across as a new-age technology, but depilatory cream has been around for thousands of years. Early formulas of depilatory cream consisted of hair-raising ingredients like arsenic and quicklime. These ingredients were not exactly skin-friendly, but it used to get the job done. However, thanks to technology and time, depilatory creams have become easier to use and skin friendly
Waxing is an ancient method of hair removal – which began with sugaring. The Ancient Egyptians, celebrated for their distinctive beautifying techniques, prepared a syrup out of heating the mixture of lemon, sugar, and water. They would simply apply a layer of the mixture on their skin, let it cool for some time, and pull it away quickly.
This technique used to pull hair straight from the root, which meant the regrowth took longer duration when compared to shaving. These days, the process of sugaring has become even more convenient. Veet ready to use wax strips gives us salon style results in the comfort of your own home.
Razor made of bronze or flint was used by Ancient Egyptians to keep their bodies smooth and hair-free. It was considered as an essential mark that defined wealth and stature.
However, with the birth of hemlines in the 20th century, shaving became mainstream, making it a necessary part of every woman’s beauty routine. Shaving is extremely popular even today, however, it does have stiff competition.
Even world-class modern razors, can cause irritation, and expose you to the risk of nicks and cuts. While it is a convenient and swift process, the quick regrowth of hair can get really inconvenient, meaning you have to keep repeating the same process very often.
As you can see, hair removal has been in trend among beauty-conscious people from the ancient times. It has also evolved tremendously to meet the changing times. Razors, sugaring and depilatory creams have made the process of hair removing extremely convenient. Irrespective of whichever method you use, getting rid of unappealing hair has become very easy! So go ahead, just veet it and flaunt the smooth skin