Blogger Stories: My Sunday Night Routine

Between the ups-and-downs of work, studies, and a bustling social life, sometimes it’s important to have a special time of the week you can call your own. For many women, Sunday nights are the perfect chance to re-energise before the Monday commotion.
Whether it’s an extra few hours beauty rest, a head-to-toe beauty session, or just a chance to spend some time with a tub of ice-cream and a movie, we all need to give ourselves a little me-time. We asked some of our favourite lifestyle bloggers to sum up their Sunday night routine, and tell us what gets them feeling refreshed and kick-started for a new week.
“After a long tiring week, more often than not, Sunday becomes my day of complete relaxation. This usually includes sleeping in, reading a book and sitting down for a cup of tea. The idea is to have a routine yet no actual routine. Come night time, I like to step things up with a regime. I take a quick five minute shower where I’ll lather up and shave my legs and underarm area, and then hop into the bath that is hopefully already full.
Sundays for me are more about tidying up rather than deep exfoliation. If I exfoliate my face on Sunday, 80% of time I’ll wake up on Monday morning with a beautiful spot on my nose. After I’ve become a complete prune, this is when I like to completely rehydrate my body with a moisturiser that has shea butter in it. Then, to take advantage of the steam in the room, I usually pluck my eyebrows and let the steam reduce any pain!
Every two to three weeks, I’ll do an upper lip wax using Veet’s “Face Wax Strips” and that takes just one minute. It sounds obvious but the trick with this is to hold your skin taught and not to hesitate when pulling the wax strip off! If you do, it won’t be as effective and you’ll feel the pull! Another on and off treatment is putting coconut oil in my hair and letting it sit for an hour or more before rinsing. To finish things off, I usually paint my nails and use a moisture mask to rejuvenate my skin.”
By Nasreen @ Lazy Obsession
“Sunday nights were made for a good pamper session. I feel it’s nice to set aside just one day a week to catch up on all things beauty to get yourself looking great and feeling amazing. To kick it all off I like to apply a face mask and as I get a few blemishes I like face masks that de-clog the pores and calm the skin.
After a face mask I like to tackle body hair. I feel doing this once a week keeps you on top of everything. I like to start with my legs but before I remove any hair I like to exfoliate the area with a body scrub or an exfoliating glove, this helps prevent ingrowing hairs and stops me getting very itchy legs after the hair is removed. When it comes to removing the hair I use Veet Hair Removal Cream – Legs & Body, this one is great as it works well on sensitive skin. I prefer the creams to shaving as it actually slows down the rate of regrowth.
After my legs are done I like to tackle the upper lip. Again, I exfoliate and then I go in with the Veet Face Wax Strips With Easy Grip, I use the sensitive formula to prevent any irritation as my skin is prone to reacting to most products but I have never had a problem with Veet sensitive range.
I usually just shave under my arms mainly for quickness and then I like to finish off my Sunday night by watching Netflix, which is usually reruns of The US Office and while I am in fits of laughter watching Michael Scott I paint my nails. Once the nails are dry I apply hand cream and body lotion to the legs and arms and then I hop into bed and that for me is the perfect Sunday Night Routine.”
By Lauren @ Makeup By Lauren Marie
“Sunday nights are a pretty big deal for most beauty fanatics. Sure, tomorrow's Monday; you're back to work, school, college etc. But the one thing I have found to start my week off right is to have a good old pampering session on a Sunday evening.
I work full time, so I love being prepared and I find that setting aside a couple of hours on a Sunday evening really helps my week to run a lot smoother (and helps my legs to feel a lot smoother! eh...)
The first thing I like to do is put fresh linen on my bed. We'll come back to the absolute importance of this later... I also love listening to music while I'm having a little pamper session. At the moment I'm loving a bit of Ed Sheeran and Carly Rae Jepsen. Don't even try and judge me. I also like to light candles, preferably Christmas-scented candles. (All year round!)
I'll always have a long bath on a Sunday. It's just so relaxing. I love using natural bath bombs. They're not just pretty to look at (though that is a big plus) but they do really good things for your skin too!
While I'm running my bath I like to take my make up off and cleanse my face. I also like to do facemasks on a Sunday night as it helps to combat stubborn acne. I feel like prepping my skin as much as possible on a Sunday night just makes my week a lot easier, and all I have to worry about after an 8 hour shift is taking my make up off!
Once my bath is run I'll hover over it for a good 15 minutes, dipping my toes in and out and scalding myself until it’s reached a below-boiling temperature. I tell myself that hot water opens my pores and allows my skin to cleanse more thoroughly but really I'm just too lazy to start mixing in cold. While I'm in the bath I use a body scrub and a body wash. I'll also do my hair removal routine just before I'm ready to get out of the bath and have a shower. I have quite sensitive skin so for my legs and underarms I use the Veet Hair Removal Cream with Aloe Vera and Vitamin E for Sensitive Skin. I love this stuff and I don't ever get any irritation with it. I leave it on my legs and underarms for about 6 minutes and then I turn on the shower and rinse off. It always leaves my legs feeling really smooth and sleek, unlike with shaving when they have 5 o'clock shadow after about two hours – attractive!
So while I'm in the shower I'll wash my hair using anti-dandruff shampoo as I was blessed with a serious dandruff condition (thanks Dad). I’ll follow this up with a moisturising conditioner! Before I towel dry my hair I use a few drops of natural oil. My favourite hair oils are the ones with a little hint of coconut – honestly, it just makes my hair so soft and frizz-free.
Once I’m all clean and moisturised I’ll quickly dry my hair properly with a hairdryer and straighten it, because the less I have to do in the morning the happier I’ll be. I’ll then get into some cosy pyjamas (okay I admit it’s a ‘onesie’ 9-out-of-10 times) and fluffy socks and finally climb into my bed of fresh sheets. Fresh sheets and moisturised, hair-free legs equals absolute Sunday night bliss.”
From Roseanne @ Rosie Posie Pudding and Pie
Thanks so much to the bloggers who got involved! How about you? What’s your ideal Sunday night routine?
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